ServiceNow® Instance Migration Project


Use Case: ServiceNow Instance Migration, customised to greenfield.

Precision Bridge was selected to automate and accelerate the migration from Ricoh’s existing instance to a new Greenfield ServiceNow instance.

Estimated Time Saved: 528 hours*

Project Summary: Requirement was to migrate a range of applications from customer’s existing instance to a new OOTB instance, including security incidents, problems, change requests, projects, demands and 3 custom applications. Some of these applications also included contextual workflow that needed to be migrated.

The project was completed in less than 3 months with over 4.5 million records successfully migrated to the new platform. This included building new mappings to support the custom applications, checking the integrity of resulting data and testing the applications on the new instance. Where contextual workflow was migrated for in-flight tickets, the resulting tickets could be continued from where they left off so that the workflow could continue to the next activity.

Following completion of the Precision Bridge training course, the customer was essentially self-sufficient and able to complete the configuration and implementation of the tool with virtually no assistance from Precision Bridge. In fact only one support ticket was raised during the entire project lifecycle.

Customer was so pleased with the result that they plan to re-use Precision Bridge for multiple migration projects planned for 2022.

*Based on 3 months time saving at 176 hours per month