July 2020: Precision Bridge 5.1 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of Precision Bridge 5.1 which includes full support for bi-directional data-syncs between RSA Archer and ServiceNow. This means that customers that have risk, compliance, security operations, audit or vendor management data in either platform can now sync changes across to the other platform either as a one-off or periodic migration.

We have also made improvements to the Precision Bridge archiving functionality making it easy to generate SQL tables with corresponding indexes, display and reference field values which can be configured to receive data from your SN instance on a regular basis.

For customers that need to migrate data from ITSM to CSM there are new templates available to make this almost a plug-an-play exercise following some basic configuration.

Precision Bridge 5.1 Release Notes

For more information contact us at info@precisionbridge.net

Archer Migrator Architecture v3.png