Dec 2020: Precision Bridge 5.3 Released

Data Archiver Architecture v2.png

Precision Bridge 5.3 is now available with extended support for archiving or replicating data from your ServiceNow instance to a local SQL Server or Oracle database. Can be used to support BI reporting, audit compliance or integration with on-premise applications.

Precision Bridge Data Archiver has now been extended to support dynamic data extraction and replication to Oracle databases*. This latest version includes the option to auto-create database tables to mirror the same structure as ServiceNow, options to include both display and source values for reference and choice fields, record attachments, option to include replication of indexes, separation of currency fields into decimal and character target fields for easier reporting, and the option to selectively delete source records and related audit records from ServiceNow.

Can be used as a one-off export or as a periodic replication sync with configurable frequency.

For more information or to take a free trial contact info@precisionbridge,net

*Oracle 12c release 2 or later.