Nov 2019: New Precision Bridge adaptor for migrating GRC data from RSA Archer® to ServiceNow®

We are pleased to announce the release of a new Precision Bridge adaptor to support the migration of GRC data from RSA Archer® applications to ServiceNow®. GRC data structures in RSA Archer and ServiceNow are quite different and the Archer® structure can be heavily customised depending on the maturity, usage and size of the organization.

Precision Bridge worked in collaboration with GRC industry experts 2MC, to build a robust cross-platform solution designed to address the needs of ServiceNow customers that want to deploy the latest GRC applications.

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The Precision Bridge Archer migrator adaptor provides the flexibility to migrate different GRC data sets to the ServiceNow equivalent using a set of pre-defined templates for Enterprise, Risk and Compliance applications. This means that relationships between GRC tables are preserved and data-integrity maintained as part of the migration.

This Precision Bridge adaptor makes use of the Precision Bridge Archer Migrator Application which has been certified and recently published on the ServiceNow store.

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